Assistant principal

Brandy Griggs

Hello! My name is Brandy Griggs, and I am the Assistant Principal at East Elementary. I am a graduate of Blytheville High School. I obtained my Associates Degree from Mississippi County Community College and proceeded to graduate from Arkansas State University with a B.S. in Elementary Education. After teaching at South Pemiscot for three years, I earned my M.S. in Educational Administration.

I have been Assistant Principal for the last five years, but I have been a Bulldog for twenty-two years! I have taught in several different areas of elementary including Sixth grade, Third grade, Title reading, Gifted and Talented, and Computer class. Interestingly, my teaching career began within the South Pemiscot School District, and I have never wanted to teach or work in any other district!

My husband, Tim, and I own and operate a farming operation. We have one son, Reyn, who is a junior at Arkansas State University pursuing a career in dentistry. We also have a dog named LuLu that keeps us all entertained! I absolutely love the beach and the lake. I go any chance I get to either place. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. For the past fifteen years, I have also given swimming lessons during the summer months. I suppose teaching and working with children is exactly what I was meant to do with my life. I love my job, and I hope to one day proudly retire from a district that has given so much to me!


Brandy Griggs

Assistant Principal, East Elementary
